Monday, January 26, 2015

Valentine's Search & Collect Sensory Bin

This is one of my favorite Valentine's sensory bins we've done! I love it so much because there's a game for the child to play while they also gain new tactile experiences and have holiday themed fun!

Isn't it beautiful?

All that you need to make it can be purchased from Dollar Tree.
- pink imitation rose petals
- red imitation rose petals
- sparkly hearts
- sparkly heart box

For the picture I put the sparkly hearts on top quite a bit so you could see them, but the whole point of the bin was that they are hidden beneath all the imitation rose petals and the child has to feel around to find them. There's all kinds of new tactile experiences within this bin. The imitation roses have a pretty one of a kind feeling, and the sparkly hearts and box both have that rough sparkly feeling.

Instruct the child to open up the lid to the heart box and fill it up with the sparkly hearts that they collect.

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